Erosion Control Blankets
Erosion Control Blankets are used to cover bare or newly planted soil, and are effective in minimizing the erosive effect of rainfall. Their use stabilizes the soil to protect new seed and plantings and reduces sediment during stormwater run-off events.
Erosion Control Blankets are effective for soil stabilization on steep to moderate slopes, newly landscaped areas, and drainage swales and ditches that are to be planted or seeded. Additionally:
- They increase water infiltration into the soil.
- When used with a seed mix, they protect the mix from being eroded during heavy rainfall or wind.
- They increase the retention of soil moisture to promote seed germination.
- Most importantly, they reduce soil erosion.
When properly installed and maintained Erosion Control Blankets provide excellent short and long-term erosion control. Proper soil surface preparation is critical to the effectiveness of the installation:
- All rocks, clods, debris, and vegetation should be removed to ensure full contact between the blanket and the soil surface.
- The blanket should be anchored to the soil using 6” or 8” metal wire staples. The staples should be driven through the blanket and into the soil, flush with the soil surface.
- Erosion Control Blankets should not be used where final vegetation will be mowed, because material and staples may be caught in the mowers. Native Seed Mixes should be sown before blanket installation.
- (Click for Installation and stapling guidelines pdf)
Blankets are available with either a 100% biodegradable weave jute net or photo-degradable polypropylene netting We recommend biodegradable weave jute net blankets in all wetland and adjacent areas, or any environmentally sensitive area because animals can get tangled and trapped in the plastic (polypropylene) netting, which has fixed joints at the 4 corners of each net opening, whereas the biodegradable top & bottom weave jute net is more flexible and forgiving.
ECS-1B — 100% agricultural straw fibers sewn to a biodegradable weaved jute net on one side. Suitable for slopes 3:1 or less, for low-flow to moderate-flow runoff conditions. Also available with a polyethylene photo-degradable net (ECS1). The ECS-1B has a functional longevity of approximately 12 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions. (Click here for ECS-1B specification pdf)-------(Click here for ECS-1 specification pdf)
ECS-2B — 100% agricultural straw fibers sewn to a biodegradable weave jute net on both top and bottom. Suitable for slopes 2:1 or less and low to medium flow channels. The ECS-2B has a functional longevity of approximately 12 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions. (Click here for ECS-2B specification pdf)
ECS-2 is made with uniformly distributed 100% agricultural straw and two polypropylene nets securely sewn together with photo-degradable thread. The ECS-2 has functional longevity of approximately 12 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions, and is suitable for slopes 2:1 or less and low to medium flow channels. (Click here for ECS-2 specification pdf)
ECSC-2B — 70% agricultural straw, 30% coconut fiber blanket sewn to a biodegradable weaved jute net on both top and bottom. For use on 2:1 — 1:1 slopes with moderate-heavy runoff conditions. Handles steep slope rehabilitation, drought area re-vegetation, long slope, cut and fill, mine land, landfill reclamation, bridge abutments, ski runs, and channel shoulders. Functional longevity 18 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions.
(Click here for ECSC-2B specification pdf)
The ECSC-2 is made with uniformly distributed 70% agricultural straw, 30% coconut fiber and two polypropylene nets securely sewn together with degradable thread. The ECSC-2 has functional longevity of approximately 24 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions, and is suitable for slopes 2:1 to 1:1 and low to medium flow channels. (Click here for ECSC-2 specification pdf)
The ECC-2 is made with uniformly distributed 100% coconut fiber and two polypropylene nets securely sewn together with UV stabilized thread. The ECC-2 has functional longevity of approximately 36 months, but will vary depending on soil and climatic conditions, and is suitable for slopes 1:1 and medium to high flow channels. (Click here for ECC-2 specification pdf)
Coir Mats (size: 6 ½ x 167ft, 1085 sq ft, 120 sq yards)
Long-lived, high-strength, 100% coconut fiber mats have numerous bio-engineering and erosion control applications. Coir fiber is a natural, organic fiber made from the outer layer of the fruit of the coconut tree. The fiber is spun into twine which is used to produce these mats. They have high tensile strength and can last from 2-4 years depending on the site. Coir mats are particularly effective on steep slopes that are susceptible to slumping or frost shear. 100% biodegradable leaving no plastic residue behind. Available in three weights: 400 grams/sq.m. (loose weave), 700 grams/sq.m. (medium weave), and 900 grams/sq.m. (tight weave).
Sample image of COIR MAT 400 < 2:1 slope, low flow channel
Sample image of COIR MAT 700 < 1:1 slope, medium flow channel
Sample image of Coir Mat 900 > 1:1 slope, high flow channel
Coir (Coconut) Fiber Logs
Long-lived, high-strength, 100% coconut fiber mats have numerous bio-engineering and erosion control applications. Coir fiber is a natural, organic fiber made from the outer layer of the fruit of the coconut tree. The fiber is spun into twine which is used to produce these mats. They have high tensile strength and can last from 2-4 years depending on the site. Coir mats are particularly effective on steep slopes that are susceptible to slumping or frost shear. 100% biodegradable leaving no plastic residue behind. Available in three weights: 400 grams/sq.m. (loose weave), 700 grams/sq.m. (medium weave), and 900 grams/sq.m. (tight weave).
Jute Netting (size-4 X 112ft, 448 sq ft, 50 sq yards)
Jute netting is made of 100% organic jute twine, is completely biodegradable and is used for short-term erosion control on slopes of 3:1 or less. Functional longevity is 6-8 months but will vary depending upon soil and climatic conditions.
Straw Wattles
Constructed of 100% weed-free straw inside a polyethylene net sock. Wattles are 9 inches in diameter x 25 feet long, or 12 inches in diameter x 10 feet long. A cost-effective, sediment-control alternative to hay bales. Wattles should be placed along the contours of recently constructed or disturbed slopes.
(Click here for Straw Wattle specifications pdf)
For more info click link below:
Straw Waffle Installation
Dormant Live Material for Bioengineering
New England Wetland Plants, Inc offers dormant woody Willow (Salix spp.) and Dogwood (Cornus spp.) for use as brush layers, brush fascines, and stakes. Brush layers are 3-5 feet long. Fascines are usually 5-7 feet long and 4-8 inches in diameter. Dormant live stakes are typically 2-3 feet long. Dormant material is only available from mid-November to mid-March.
Tubelings for Bank Stabilization and Soil Bioengineering
New England Wetland Plants, Inc produces rooted cuttings in 5″ deep plug cells to be used as an inexpensive solution for re-vegetating and stabilizing slopes and banks and for soil bio-engineering projects. Because tubelings have established root systems, successful planting is not limited to the plant’s dormant period, which extends the planting season. This allows for the installation of soil bio-engineering projects from early spring through the summer and fall, freeing projects from the time constraints of dormant plant materials. Tubelings have an advantage over dormant live stakes, because tubelings:
- Are easier to install
- Produce soil-stabilizing roots more quickly
- Have a greater chance at survival than dormant live stakes
Tubelings typically measure between 8 inches and 24 inches in height depending upon the time of year. Please be sure to place your order in advance for large quantities. Tubelings are sold in trays of 38.
Species Available in Tubelings:
- Pussy Willow (Salix discolor)
- Bebb’s Willow, (Salix bebbiana)
- Silky Willow (Salix sericea)
- Black Willow (Salix nigra)
- Sand Bar Willow (Salix exigua)
- Purple-osier (Streamco) Willow (Salix purpurea)
- Dwarf Bankers Willow (Salix x cotteti)
- Some Dogwood spp. may be contract grown (please inquire).
Hardwood stakes for securing straw wattles and coir logs in position.
2” x 2” x 36” hardwood (for coir logs)
1” x 1” x 36” hardwood (for straw wattles)
Call us with your erosion control questions and our experienced professionals will be able to assist with product selection and installation guidance.