Juniperus communis Common Juniper
A common shrub of North America that will grow in a variety of dry, sunny sites. Provides food and cover for birds and various small mammals.
Plant Description
A medium sized evergreen shrub 5-10’ in height. Blue green dense foliage year-round. Yellow, roundish inconspicuous flowers and bright blue to almost black matte berry-like cones.
Height (ft)
Soil moisture
Soil types
Sandy Soils and Loams, rocky areas
Wetland indicator
Shade tolerance
Full Sun, Shade Intolerant
Bloom color
Yellow (Inconspicuous)
Bloom period
Spring and Summer
Fall conspicuous
No (Evergreen)
Anaerobic tolerance
Drought tolerance
Salinity tolerance
Throughout North America, common in the western third of the continental US, around the Great Lakes, and in the north east. Present but not common in Vermont and in the east south of New York.
Additional Information
According to BRIT - Native American Ethnobotany Database, a decoction of the roots, leaves and branches have been taken for stomach pains, cough and heartburn. A decoction of the berries and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi are strained and taken for tuberculosis. Leaves have been burned as incense during ceremonies and wooden flutes made from this plant to charm a girl into loving them.