Pycnanthemum muticum Short-Toothed Mountain Mint
An herbaceous perennial native to eastern North America. Mountain mint is known for its adaptability to various soil types and its tendency to spread via rhizomes, making it suitable for naturalistic garden settings and attracting wildlife.
Plant Description
It typically grows to a height of 1 to 3 feet and features square stems with aromatic leaves that are lance-shaped and serrated. In mid to late summer, clusters of small, white to pale lavender flowers bloom, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Height (ft)
1-3 ft
Soil moisture
Moist to slightly dry
Soil types
Well drained various soils
Wetland indicator
Shade tolerance
Full sun to part shade
Bloom color
Pale lavender to white
Bloom period
Mid to late summer
Drought tolerance
Salinity tolerance
It typically grows to a height of 1 to 3 feet and features square stems with aromatic leaves that are lance-shaped and serrated. In mid to late summer, clusters of small, white to pale lavender flowers bloom, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Additional Information
According to Missouri Botanical Gardens, this plant can be made into a mild tea and Native Americans used this species to treat fevers, colds, stomach aches and other smaller illnesses.