Juncus tenuis Path Rush
Juncus tenuis can tolerate a range of growing conditions, including heavily trodden paths, which is where it gets its common name "Path Rush". It can grow in wet, dry, or compacted soils, and can be anywhere from 6'' to 2' in height.
Plant Description
Grows in small, sometimes "V" shaped clusters, and will vary from half a foot to 2' at mature height. Flowers are compound, with mostly inconspicuous star shaped florets, which will give way to brownish seed heads.
Height (ft)
Soil moisture
Moist to dry
Soil types
Variable; can tolerate
Wetland indicator
Shade tolerance
Intermediate, Full Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom color
Bloom period
Drought tolerance
Low to Medium
Salinity tolerance
Eastern United States to the edge of the Great Plains, Western United States to the Rockies, and some sparse populations in between.
Additional Information
According to USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, this species by the indigenous Cherokee as a wash to strengthen babies. They would also use the stems as cordage to bind dough in oak leaves when baking. The Iroquois lacrosse players and runners would use this species to induce vomiting or as a wash.