Eutrochium fistulosum Hollow Stem Joe-Pye Weed, Trumpetweed
A tall rhizomatous wildflower with aromatic, showy pink or purplish flowers. Attracts birds, bees, and butterflies; a particularly good plant for honeybees, and a nice addition to pollinator gardens.
Plant Description
A tall wildflower growing up to 8'. Dull pink or purplish terminal flowering clusters 2-4'' wide bloom July to September, which give way to fluffy seed heads that may persist into winter. Eutrochium fistulosum can be distinguished from other members of its genus by its hollow stems, and its unique whorled leaf patterns, which will occur usually with each whorl having 3 to 5 leaves.
Height (ft)
Soil moisture
High, Moist to Wet
Soil types
Fertile, Humus rich
Wetland indicator
Shade tolerance
Moderate, Full sun to partial shade, prefers full sun
Bloom color
Pink or Purple
Bloom period
Mid to Late Summer
Drought tolerance
Salinity tolerance
Eastern United States, from Massachusetts to Florida and Texas.
Additional Information
According to the USDA NRCS National Plant Materials Center, Native Americans would use this plant in a tea as a diuretic. The roots could be made into a tea as well to treat fevers, chills, soreness after childbirth, liver and kidney illnesses.