Eurybia (Aster) divaricata White Wood Aster
A white aster plant that blooms in late summer to early fall. Once established, will spread and colonize and regrow from rhizomes. Prefers drier sites and grows best in shady areas. Will attract butterflies.
Plant Description
Presents delicate, branching stems covered in ovate to lance-shaped leaves with toothed margins. Its daisy-like flowers feature numerous white to pale purple petals surrounding a yellow center, blooming in airy clusters from late summer through early fall. Growing in woodland edges and shaded areas, white wood aster creates a graceful presence with its fine-textured foliage and subtle yet charming floral display, attracting butterflies and enhancing the understory of forest ecosystems.
Height (ft)
Soil moisture
Dry to Medium
Soil types
Average, will tolerate some acidity
Shade tolerance
Tolerant, Partial to Full Shade prefered
Bloom color
Bloom period
Late summer to Early Fall
Drought tolerance
Salinity tolerance
In and surrounding the Appalachian Mountains from New Hampshire to Alabama.
Additional Information
According to the Native Plant Trust, the younger leaves are edible when they're cooked.