Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hairgrass
A cool-season bunch grass. Its round, fluffy shape and color variety gives it some value as an ornamental plant. Many varieties are spread across the North American continent, from Alaska to northern Mexico. It is a good feeding grass for livestock and wildlife, and is occasionally cut for hay. Tufted hairgrass is useful for restoring moist to seasonally wet sites and stabilizing disturbed soils.
Plant Description
Growing in tense clumps from 2' to 5'. Hollow and smooth stems. Panicle inflorescences with spikelets. Usually light green, blue-green or golden brown in color.
Height (ft)
Soil moisture
Medium to Moist
Soil types
Well-drained, organically rich
Wetland indicator
Shade tolerance
Intermediate, Full Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom color
Bloom period
Drought tolerance
Salinity tolerance
Tufted hairgrass is found in the northeastern, northcentral, and western united states, extending north through Canada into Alaska and Greenland, and south from New Mexico and Arizona into northern Mexico.
Additional Information
According to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, indigenous people of California have eaten seeds of this species as part of their diet.